the other day, I was asked how I feel about the rich being taxed to pay for the poor. How I feel about the rich giving to the poor. I don't know why this is even an issue? I was outraged. I know my writing this will strike one of two things in you: a sort of excitement and HELLYEAHism that causes you to take some sort of action or a case of mumblingunderyourbreathe-ivitis and cynicism. And I know that the odds of one's opinion changing because of this piece are itsy-bitsy. This is more of a refute to an argument I am tired of hearing.
1st off, I don't get how a person could even begin to justify that poor people are poor by their own fault. How it is someone's fault that they are born into a situation with so many strikes against them and no means to lift them up? I had absolutely no control over the world I was born into. I didn't get to go life shopping while I was in the womb. And I realize that had I got a damn lucky hand dealt to me. That means it's my OBLIGATION to provide to those who didn't get to be born into the educated, loving, healthy, white-collar world I showed up in.
2nd of all, even if they were in these situations by their fault, I am a Christian. I am suppose to GIVE GIVE GIVE GIVE GIVE, and when I'm done doing that? Well, regardless of that person's circumstance or deservedness or family history or sins or life choices or affiliations or work ethic or location or religion or situation or wealth or well-being or health or weight or sexual orientation or level of education or level of graditude or anger or past or future or present or personality type I am suppose to GIVE. Period.
You don't get it. I don't care if they aren't grateful. I don't care if they don't say thank you. I don't care if they won't accept it. I don't care if they're big fat liars and cheat the system. Because as long as I keep giving, I will keep loving, and as long as I keep loving they will keep learning, and one day, just maybe one person will be changed. One person will see that we Christians will get a new perception, and the world could be turned upside-down.