For my Location-based Journalism project, I created a map with the Crime Reports of 2011. Comparatively, Athens is a pretty safe campus, but over the year, I did notice a trend of location of Sexual Imposition within these Crime Reports. Getting a visual of just how close these crimes occur to each other can best be done with a Google Map which can be
found here (or be seen below). The map also shows specific locations of Emergency Call Box locations on campus relative to the trend of these crime reports. Sexual Imposition and Rape is very serious, and unfortunately it is not reported more often than in it is. In most cases, victims know their attackers, and reporting the crime does not occur. Unfortunately, there is no way to show how often and location to where unreported crimes occur.
View Ohio University Campus Crime Reports 2011 in a larger map
- Red Markers indicate Campus Crimes and are titled by their Crime
- Yellow Officers feature location of Campus and Athens Police Departments
- Blue
Markers indicate locations of Blue Light Emergency Call Box systems on
Campus. Phones are also found at entrances of every dormitory.